Serve at Springfield First
Volunteers are the heartbeat of our church. Whether serving in the church as a greeter or usher, in our KidLife and StudentLife programs, with local partners, or across the world, Springfield First is known for being a missional church. If you are new to our church or have been attending for years, you are missing out if you are not on a serving team! View a few of the many different opportunities available to serve below.
Available serving opportunities
Phone Volunteers
Help in the church office for 4 hours 1-2 times per month by answering phones and doing other light desk work.
Care Callers
Follow up with a phone call after someone has been discharged from the hospital.
Follow-Up Friends
Call people in our congregation who may need a contact from us to show Christ’s love, care, and concern.
Funeral Meal Volunteers
Help to provide a comforting meal after a funeral, allowing grieving families time to relax and share memories. Opportunities include preparing food in our church kitchen, serving the family, and cleaning up, or bringing a salad or dessert to complement the meal.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Knit prayer shawls to provide comfort for those who are ill.
Sunshine Sharers
Send cards, make phone calls, or help deliver gifts or flowers to our seniors to brighten their day and remind them that our church family cares for them.
Visitation Volunteers/Caring Friends
Visit members of Springfield First who are homebound or in care facilities.
Lawn Care
Help to take care of the church grounds by mowing, edging, or weeding.
Mission Garden
Calling all gardeners (experienced and not so much)! Each year, we plant a garden on our campus, and all of the produce grown is donated to the Kumler Food Pantry for the hungry of Springfield.
Recycling Team
Help our environment by collecting recycling throughout the building.
Communion Servers
Serve Communion to our congregation during worship services, usually once each month.
Connections Team
Serve on a team that exhibits one of our core values – Purposeful Hospitality! Greet, usher, or welcome people as they arrive on our campus, or help with our coffee ministry. Ensure that our guests and all who attend feel God’s love and are connected to the faith community of Springfield First. This is a great way to meet and connect with people.
Parking Lot Greeters
Be the first person to greet people as they come onto the church property before weekend services.
Parking Partners
Park cars on Sunday mornings to help those with mobility challenges.
Communicate the love of God through lessons and storytelling.
Small Group Leaders
Reinforce lessons with crafts, games, and questions to help them grow.
Hospitality Team
Greet families, help new visitors, check in children, and create a welcome and safe environment.
Support Team
Help throughout the week by gathering supplies, copying lessons, decorating rooms, writing cards, and organizing materials.
Help to keep our church safe and assist with medical, weather, or other issues that may arise. Police, security, fire, or medical experience is a plus. Plan to serve one weekend per month.
Adult Volunteer
We need adults who just want to love and pour into our students. Be available to encourage students and provide them with a good example of what it looks like to be a Jesus follower.
Band Member
Worship is an important aspect of StudentLife. If you are a student who plays an instrument or sings, we would love to have you! Our StudentLife worship team is student led and is assisted by our Director of Worship, Allison Means
Meal Ministry
Support students by providing a meal. Cook or bring a meal to one of our Sunday night services.
Small Group Leaders
We need adults who want to engage with students on a conversational level. We hope to serve our students with adults from different age groups and walks of life. Each student has a different need, and you never know what need you might be filling! You do not have to lead a small group; you could fill a role as an assistant instead.
Worship Tech
We need individuals who are willing to train and/or oversee students on a sound board or running video for the youth service. This would be a commitment only on Sunday nights.
Contemporary Worship Team
We love to include new people on our worship team, both musicians and vocalists. If you have a passion for music and for leading God’s people in worship, we would love to connect with you!
Kids’ Choirs (K-6th)
Come and join us for singing, dancing, making music, and giving praise to the Lord!
Traditional Worship Team
Be inspired and inspire others through music. Our New Life Adult and Handbell choirs lead worship at the 10:30am traditional service.
Audio Volunteer
Use your audio skills to mix or assist with the sound for our weekend or midweek worship gatherings. Training and development with an existing staff member or volunteer is provided. Some previous experience is great, but not required.
Graphics Operator
Love music, but not interested in being on stage? As a graphics operator you help to lead through music from our graphics computer by running the lyrics on the screens for our worship gatherings and helping to run other screen content. Training and development with an existing staff member or volunteer is provided, no previous experience required.
Video Team Volunteer
Take part in volunteering with the production of our weekend services. Provide live video support operating a camera, the shader or the switcher with a team of other volunteers. Training and development with an existing staff member or volunteer is provided.
Lighting Volunteer
Create an engaging and immersive environment in our worship gatherings through lighting design and operation. Training and development with an existing staff member or volunteer is provided, no previous experience required.