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Get ready to be inspired, uplifted, and transformed at the 15:10 Women’s Conference. This empowering event, designed for women from 6th grade and up, is a unique opportunity for you to deepen your faith, connect with fellow believers, and navigate the complexities of our world with strength and grace.

15:10 Ministry is based on 1 Corinthians 15:10, “But because God was so gracious, so very generous, here I am. And I’m not about to let His grace go to waste…” (MSG)

This conference will feature:

  • Live worship music that will uplift your spirit.
  • Inspiring speakers sharing their personal journeys of faith.
  • A community of sisters in Christ to encourage and support you.

This conference will be completely LIVE and will feature speakers and musicians from our surrounding area.

Childcare is available; registration required.

Register by April 8.


Chantel Corrie

Executive Director, Midwest Mission

Dara Bose

International #1
Bestselling Author

Dr. Glenna Schroeder-Lein

Historian & Author

Rev. Kathy Hutchins

Historian & Author

Kerri Kruger

International #1
Bestselling Author

Rev. Margaret Ann Jessup

Founder & Executive Director, Wooden It Be Lovely

Rev. Miriam Snider

Pastor, Chatham UMC

Natalie Morey

Children’s & Youth Coordinator, Chatham UMC

Sherri Leopold

Founder of WOW Warrior

Sydney Pappas

Spiritual Formation Leader

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