Senior Ministries

Springfield First has a very active Senior Ministry. We have regular gatherings for fellowship, Bible studies, Sunday morning classes, quilting, games, trips, and more!

Senior Ministries Newsletter

Upcoming Senior Ministry Events

Please click on the event title below for detailed information

Assisted Parking Ministry

We have an assisted parking ministry, and we invite you to use it. It is staffed by wonderful volunteers from our congregation. The purpose of the ministry is to assist anyone who wants “valet service” due to a mobility challenge, safety concern, or rain, snow, or ice. Don’t let those solvable concerns keep you away! The parking ministry is available 15 – 20 minutes before, and 10 – 15 minutes after, the traditional service on Sunday mornings. Just pull up under the east canopy door and wave. No prior notice is needed.

Senior Fellowship

Are you ready for Christian fellowship, a friendly game, and more? Come for sweet treats, coffee, and a devotional, followed by a time of playing cards, dominoes, and games. Enjoy a delicious hot meal together. Suggested donation is $7.00.

When: 2nd Thursday of each month (Sept.-Jun.), 9:30am-12:30pm, with lunch served at 11:45am
Where: Rooms 5/6